
Articles about unlocking your potential through training the mind, body and soul.

The Struggle Switch - From Negative to Positive

Please allow me to introduce you to a very simple mindfulness concept which I think can be a game changing outlook to those who take it on board.

Luckily, some people are already using this approach in life unbeknownst to themselves.

Imagine two footballers in a changing room before going out on...

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Make time for your wellness or else you could be making time for your illness

"If you don't make time for your wellness, you'll be forced to make time for illness" - Joyce Sunada (Speaker, coach, facilitator)

Life is sometimes unpredictable and unfortunately there are examples of people who live commendable lives full of healthful activities and meaning and yet still end...

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Happiness through elimination...

Yes, this might sound strange but sometimes and maybe it's more so in the western world that we think of happiness as the attainment of something. It could be getting the job or promotion you've worked hard for, winning a championship with your sports team or buying that item you have been...

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Stop looking back - adapt a better than before mindset...

Please allow me a personal reflection today which I think can help others.

I felt a POP!

This is real bad…

I had ruptured the cruciate ligament in my knee at Gaelic Football training.

A year away from competitive sport would ensue.

This will sound weird but I was relieved.

I had lost my...

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How to bounce out of periods of low energy or low mood.

At some point in our lives, we all have been low on energy or in a negative mood. What immediate actions can you take to help lift yourself out of this situation?

To immediately up your positive energy, try one of these tips this week.

1. Turn your phone off – yes completely off! For one...

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