Make time for your wellness or else you could be making time for your illness

"If you don't make time for your wellness, you'll be forced to make time for illness" - Joyce Sunada (Speaker, coach, facilitator)

Life is sometimes unpredictable and unfortunately there are examples of people who live commendable lives full of healthful activities and meaning and yet still end up with a cruel prognosis – there are no guarantees…

However, I think it is imperative that we don’t let these examples of inexplicable illness blind us from the fact that the stats are now clear that if we behave and live in certain ways... (sedentary lifestyle, perfectionism, junk food, toxic relationships...) we can greatly reduce our lifespan. Not only that, we can greatly reduce the quality of those years as we may be fighting flu, burnout, injury or illness for many of them.

Health, wellness and social activities as well as good personal boundaries and finding your own unique voice are great ways of upping your odds for a long, healthy and vibrant life so the choice is yours. What is it going to be?

If I can help you or your company to improve on the area of cultivating a healthier lifestyle then please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] or check out to get going 😊

Anyway, I hope you have found this helpful and perhaps even game changing in how you look at wellness moving forward. Here are some places to find out more about our Performance Treanor health and wellness offerings:

Peak Performance Code Online Course

Health and Wellness Corporate Workshops

Weight Loss Coaching

Personal Training

Mind Body Soul Podcast (lots of amazing free content and expert interviews)

Have a great day!


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