The Struggle Switch - From Negative to Positive

Please allow me to introduce you to a very simple mindfulness concept which I think can be a game changing outlook to those who take it on board.

Luckily, some people are already using this approach in life unbeknownst to themselves.

Imagine two footballers in a changing room before going out on the field for a training session. It’s lashing rain outside but the coach plans for the session to go ahead anyway.

Player A (who has their struggle switch turned on) says to themselves – ‘why do I have to train in this rubbish weather, it’s awful, why can’t it just be good for once? I should have stayed comfy at home and just watched Frasier.’

Player B (who lives a less stressed life, has their struggle switch off and is not fighting the reality) – ‘It’s raining, so be it. It will be good fun, sliding around on the pitch and getting stuck in. Sure I’ll need to have a shower after training anyway so what harm is a bit of rain…’

Which person would you prefer to be? Which person will have a more positive impact on their teammates? Which person is more likely to enjoy training?

Turning off our struggle switch and not fighting against the reality of uncontrollable situations can be a great contributor to improved health and wellness.

If I can help you or your company to improve on the area of cultivating a healthier lifestyle then please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] or check out to get going 😊

Anyway, I hope you have found this helpful and perhaps even game changing in how you look at wellness moving forward. Here are some places to find out more about our Performance Treanor health and wellness offerings:

Peak Performance Code Online Course

Health and Wellness Corporate Workshops

Weight Loss Coaching

Personal Training

Mind Body Soul Podcast (lots of amazing free content and expert interviews)

Have a great day!


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