
Articles about unlocking your potential through training the mind, body and soul.

Happiness through elimination...

Yes, this might sound strange but sometimes and maybe it's more so in the western world that we think of happiness as the attainment of something. It could be getting the job or promotion you've worked hard for, winning a championship with your sports team or buying that item you have been...

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Stop looking back - adapt a better than before mindset...

Please allow me a personal reflection today which I think can help others.

I felt a POP!

This is real bad…

I had ruptured the cruciate ligament in my knee at Gaelic Football training.

A year away from competitive sport would ensue.

This will sound weird but I was relieved.

I had lost my...

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Back to Work Wellness Tips

Hello Everybody,

I’d like to give you some quick health and wellness tips as summer draws to a close and we return to our routines.

1. What gets measured gets done – use the SMART goal setting model for ONE important goal. S stands for specific e.g. I want to lose 10kg, M stands for...

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COVID Groundhog Day - Avoid, Embrace or Appreciate...

Like the famous Bill Murray movie “Groundhog Day”, you may be in a position where the repetitive nature of life at the moment is stifling.

In the film Phil Connors (Bill) wakes to the same day time and time again through fluctuating states of anguish and contentment.

Or maybe you are...

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10 books that can change your life

10 books that can change your life through health, wellness and personal productivity gains:

1. The Feeling Good Handbook by Dr. Burns – helps you to notice that harsh inner voice and learn how to engage with that internal dialogue in a much healthier manner.

2. Eat Move Sleep by Tom Rath...

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Christmas Wellness Music Playlist

Hi folks,

Just a little message to wish you a Merry Christmas.

And to say thanks for reading my articles, watching my videos and listening to my podcast throughout the year and spreading the health and wellness word.

It’s probably the time of year when we want more than ever to be in good...

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Keep er lit healthy habit hacks: September 2021

Happy Wednesday Folks!

Here’s a positive little article for you on this hump day


Did you hear the one about butter?

I can’t tell you – you will only spread it

Compelling research:

Shawn Achor is a positive psychologist whose research shows that success in the workplace...

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